Meredith: Keeper of the Sea

Monday, November 01, 2004

Doing Good

Last night we had a bit of Panic and ended up running Meredith to the ER. She had a slight fever and was not acting herself. It turns out that when babies have a slight fever they very often do not act themselves. As a parent of 7 you might think that this was knowledge I would have been able to apply before panicking, but I did not.

Meredith had an appointment with her cardiologist and he said that she is doing excellent, better than expected even. If she continues to grow at this rate - and stays healthy - she may be able to put off her surgery until she is closer to one year. We of course are very happy about this news.

The doc also talked about a possible 3rd surgery option, which would be to close her VSD and let her right ventricle pump to the body and the left to the lungs. He said that there are people walking around with this condition in their 50s. It is nice to have another option.


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